This risk assessment course is designed to provide the stage machinery designer, the system integrator and the operator working for the entertainment industry with an in-depth understanding of the risk assessment process and the fundamental steps to carry out a risk assessment.
Through step-by-step lessons – using case studies and with the help of our StageDB application – you will learn the requirements in the Machinery Directive and the guidelines from EN 17206:2020. The course also focuses on the identification of hazard types, the estimation and the evaluation of the safety requirements of the implemented risk reduction measures.
The course explores the fundamentals of the risk assessment, the architectures, and the tools. You will also navigate through the entire risk assessment process. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of the core responsibilities in Stage Machinery Risk Management and you will have drafted, discussed, and compiled a full Machinery or Scenic Motion risk assessment.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate a solid understanding of the risk assessment structure and approach
- Identify EN 17206 stage machinery use cases and related specifications
- Understand EN 12100 guidelines for conducting risk assessments
- Allocate, estimate and evaluate applicable event industry hazards
- Structure a solid risk reduction strategy capable of mitigating the identified risks
- Record and compile a full risk assessment and review the process in a teamwork environment
Who is this course for?
This risk assessment course is ideal for those who design, integrate, or use stage machineries and control systems and are responsible for ensuring safety in a high-risk stage environment such as:
- Machinery designers
- Control system engineers
- Project managers
- System integrators
- Operators
- H&S managers
Structure Description
- The course is made of 10 lessons, split across two weeks with one lesson per day (Mon to Fri).
- Each daily lesson duration is max 1.5h.
- Half of each daily lesson will be a presentation and the other half will teach you how to use StageDB ORA, discuss assignments and Q&A.
- At the end of each lesson, the students will be asked to complete some homework assignments and to submit them before the following lesson.
- All assignments are online based.
- Lesson participation and assignment completion will be graded.
- Students will have access to a free StageDB Training account.
Lesson Topics
- Lesson 1 – Introduction to Risk Assessment
- Lesson 2 – Risk Assessment Structure and Flow Chart
- Lesson 3 – Risk Assessment Elements and Definitions
- Lesson 4 – Machinery Intended Use – Upper Machinery
- Lesson 5 – Machinery Intended Use – Lower Machinery
- Lesson 6 – Hazard Allocation
- Lesson 7 – Risk Estimation
- Lesson 8 – Risk Evaluation
- Lesson 9 – Risk Reduction
- Lesson 10 – Risk Assessment project
- Each student is required to have an active Gmail or GSuite account in order to be a part of the classroom. Students can create a free Gmail address here at
- A computer fitted with a webcam and microphone to be able to participate in the lessons.
- Access to the internet.